
Aims of IEF

Extract from the association's constitution:

Art. 3. Aims and powers:

§ 1 - Aims :

- This non-profit association has a religious and educational aim:

To promote, through common liturgy and prayer, friendship, study and action, visible unity between churches and Christians,

according to the will of Christ, to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

§ 2. Powers:

- The association works at the international level and can exercise all powers and take all measures and initiatives that contribute,

  directly or indirectly, to the achievement of its purpose.

- The association may bring any legal action necessary or useful to achieve its purpose.

- The association may also undertake economic activities provided that the profits are used exclusively to achieve its purpose.

- To this end, it may acquire or possess movable or immovable property, use it, manage it or dispose of it.

  • Complete Constitution of IEF (in English)